location + accessibility


Our opportunities are hosted at the waterfront Baggage Building Arts Centre (BBAC), located at 2200 Sleeping Giant Parkway, across from the splash pad / skating rink. The BBAC is wheelchair accessible, with an automated front entrance and bathroom door, and is equipped with an elevator.

At times, we also host workshops at partner locations, including the Thunder Bay Art Gallery, located at 1080 Keewatin Street, on Confederation College campus. The gallery does not have an automated entrance. Have questions about accessibility? Require assistance? It is recommended to call the gallery with questions and/or to let them know what date and time you are expected to arrive: 807 577 6427.

For City of Thunder Bay bus schedules and maps, visit: https://www.thunderbay.ca/en/city-services/schedules-and-maps.aspx


we are scent-free!

Many members are living with hyper sensitive immune systems. With effort to support access for all, we ask that you not wear perfume, cologne, scented hairspray, deodorant or other scented products while in the space. Please be mindful when wearing clothing or outerwear that may be scented from previous outings. We also ask that you refrain from using scented or chemical-based art products.

Some members may be allergic to smoke. If you smoke cigarettes, please do so away from the building and wait outside for several minutes after finishing to minimize the amount of third-hand smoke that enters the building.

We understand the social and therapeutic benefits to having a furry friend accompany you to an event. However, it is important that those of us who have sensitive immune systems (or phobias of dogs) also have a space that feels safe. If bringing a pet or support animal is what you need in order to participate, contact our Program Coordinator ahead of the workshop start date. That way, we have time to connect with participants ahead of time, so they can decide if their attendance is possible. Having advanced notice for some, might just mean having enough time to take allergy medication in advance, for instance.

Members wearing or using scents may be asked to leave.

Curious to learn more about why being fragrant free matters? We encourage you to browse Fragrance Free Friends website, a local advocacy group: https://www.fragrancefreefriends.ca/resources

Please care for yourself and others by not attending our workshops and events if you are showing any cold or flu-like symptoms, as many members have compromised immune systems.

Looking for information about how we work together as a Collective?

Our Community Agreement and Policies are found in our Membership Handbook.

Our Community Agreement and Policies are found in our Membership Handbook.


We are continually working to better support members in participating. Depending on current funding and partnerships we offer: 

  • one-way bus tickets

  • Food for workshops lasting over 3 hours

  • transportation support for delivering artwork for exhibitions, and

  • whenever possible, we take advantage of the natural daylight, keeping the overhead fluorescents off

We are working towards offering childcare subsidies and healthy snacks. We invite you to share how we may better support your participation.


Our Covid-19 Safety Plan.

We will update our safety procedures as required, and are open to hearing ideas, feedback and considerations from those involved.


Have questions about accessibility?
Connect with our Program Coordinator,
Carol Kajorinne Krievin:



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